[Tutor] It works! (my booster pack generator)

Alan Gilfoy agilfoy at frontiernet.net
Thu Aug 28 17:49:18 CEST 2008

The booster pack generator (my use of random.sample as described in a  
previous message) is working as intended now.

There was a rather stupid typo in my code that was causing it to go wonky.

Y'all still helped, though. A few people replied, but a bit of advice  
from: W W <srilyk at gmail.com> pointed me in the right direction.

for card in random.sample(SpecialA, SA):
      print card

he suggested changing to:

print "Special: ", SpecialA, "\nSA: ", SA
for card in random.sample(SpecialA, SA):
      print card

Basically, what my program was doing:

1. Take a textfile, import it/convert it to a list via  
open("filename.txt).readlines() This list was defined as the variable  
2. Feed SpecialA_list, along with some other variables, into my function
3. "SpecialA" variable is set equal to a list consisting of items from  
4. Then sample from "SpecialA" & print the results.

Thanks to the print statement that WW suggested, I figured out that  
the "SpecialA" variable was coming out as an empty list. [error in  
Step 3 of the above process list, so Step 4 had nothing to sample  
*from*, thus triggering the traceback].
I found the typo that was causing this, and fixed it. So, the SpecialA  
variable was set equal to the expected list, so random.sample could  
sample properly.

Thank you. :)

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