[Tutor] programming tic tac toe

bob gailer bgailer at gmail.com
Thu Aug 21 20:17:10 CEST 2008

Ark wrote:
> Hi.
> I programmed a simple tic tac toe game in python.  I already finished 
> it, but I'm not pleased with the way I used to identify a line.
> I used a list (with lists inside) to represent the board.  And to 
> identify a winning line I used many if's, like this one:
> def line(board):
>     if board[0][0] == board[1][1] == board[2][2]:
>         return True
>     ...
>     ...
>     return False
> It's only an examble, but I did it that way.
> I did not like using all those if's, and I would like to hear 
> suggestions to find a line in the board, maybe a more  intelligent 
> approach.
> I would like a solution using lists because it would be useful for 
> example in C too, but I have been thinking about another way to 
> represent a board.

I tend to think in terms of classes and lists. So I wrote the following. 
A bit messy and complex, but easy to follow.

# tic tac toe

class Cell:
  player = None
  def __eq__(self, other):
    return self.player and other.player and self.player == other.player

class Line:
  def __init__(self, *x):
    self.cells  = [cells[y] for y in x]
  def winner(self):
    return self.cells[0] == self.cells[1] == self.cells[2]
cells = [Cell() for row in range(9)]
rows = [Line(0,3,6), Line(1,4,7), Line(2,5,8)]
cols = [Line(0,1,2), Line(3,4,5), Line(6,7,8)]
diags = [Line(0,4,8), Line(2,4,6)]
lines = rows + cols + diags

# in lieu of playing a game I just tested with a blank board and then 
with a row of X's

for line in lines:
  if line.winner():
    print "winner"
  print "no winner"

# Mark row 1 all X

for cell in rows[1].cells:
  cell.player = 'X'
for line in lines:
  if line.winner():
    print "winner"
  print "no winner"

Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC 

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