[Tutor] named pipe problem

dave selby dave6502 at googlemail.com
Wed Aug 20 21:54:19 CEST 2008

Hi All,

I am trying to get a named pipe working, I have already made a fifo

dave at dev-system:/usr/local/bin$ ls -al /home/dave/kmotion2/www/pipe_func
prw-rw---- 1 dave www-data 0 2008-08-20 20:25 /home/dave/kmotion2/www/pipe_func
dave at dev-system:/usr/local/bin$

but when I execute my test code to add an item to the fifo ...

    func = '199'
    www_dir = '/home/dave/kmotion2/www'
    print '%s/pipe_func' % www_dir
    pipeout = os.open('%s/pipe_func' % www_dir, os.O_WRONLY)
    print 'xxx'
    os.write(pipeout, func)

I get the path printed out & then the script hangs silently on pipeout
= os.open('%s/pipe_func' % www_dir, os.O_WRONLY)

Can anyone tell me why ? I expected it to return immediately




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