[Tutor] What has Editor X got that PyWin32 hasn't?

Chad Crabtree flaxeater at gmail.com
Tue Aug 12 22:50:41 CEST 2008

Well I would imagine that many of the programmers here use emacs or
vim.  I use vim, however I've used komodo for python and I liked it a

However if you are going to program a great deal (I don't' know what
your intentions are) then I recomend taking the 20-40 hour it takes to
learn emacs or vim.  These editors allow you to shovel around code
like your a ditch digger, with cybernetic implants.

Vim has code completion and it's very easy to use your keyboard to
switch to specific tabs, instead of ctrl-tab,tab,tab,tab,tab,tab.  It
does have command completion though it requires you to tell it how to
do so.  Syntax highlighting and many other must haves for me. There is
one thing that VIM and emacs have for them that many of the more GUI
editors lack.  That is terminal support that is equal to the GUI

I do a lot of system administration just to get my programming tasks
done and I often do not have physical access to the machine so I need
to do it remotely.  Which is a huge win for me.

On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 4:09 PM, Steve Willoughby <steve at alchemy.com> wrote:
> Jaggo wrote:
>> Why do you use your editor rather than using Pywin? What feature has
>> editor
>> X got that PyWin hasn't?
>> (That is, other than "My editor runs on unix / linux"; while that does
>> count
>> for something it is rather irrelevant to my current situation.)
> I use a different editor (in my case vim) because it has a lot of advanced
> editing features (regular expression searching and replacing, filtering
> ranges of text through commands, and a list of scores of other things) that
> don't exist in the simpler editors built into most IDEs like Pywin or IDLE.
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