[Tutor] Problems with Gauge Bar.

greg whittier greg at thewhittiers.com
Sun Aug 10 16:26:35 CEST 2008

On Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 6:49 AM, Olrik Lenstra <o.lenstra at gmail.com> wrote:
> The program runs fine and works perfectly as the code is right now, But
> while I'm asking for the bar, can I ask for some advice on the following bit
> of code too?
> <<<
> ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ## Define all the private IP ranges that we're not going to filter in
> ## the ipconfig part of the program.
> ## From private4 to private19 is actually 1 range. (Needs to be looked at.)
> ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> private1 = r"192\.168\.\d+\.\d+"
> private2 = r"169\.254\.\d+\.\d+"
> private3 = r"10\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+"
> private4 = r"172\.16\.\d+\.\d+"
> private5 = r"172\.17\.\d+\.\d+"
> private6 = r"172\.18\.\d+\.\d+"
> private7 = r"172\.19\.\d+\.\d+"
> private8 = r"172\.20\.\d+\.\d+"
> private9 = r"172\.21\.\d+\.\d+"
> private10 = r"172\.22\.\d+\.\d+"
> private11 = r"172\.23\.\d+\.\d+"
> private12 = r"172\.24\.\d+\.\d+"
> private13 = r"172\.25\.\d+\.\d+"
> private14 = r"172\.26\.\d+\.\d+"
> private15 = r"172\.27\.\d+\.\d+"
> private16 = r"172\.28\.\d+\.\d+"
> private17 = r"172\.29\.\d+\.\d+"
> private18 = r"172\.30\.\d+\.\d+"
> private19 = r"172\.31\.\d+\.\d+"

How about

r = re.compile(r"(\d+)\.(\d+)\.\d+\.\d+")
m = re.search(line[i])
if m:
   n1, n2 = map(int,m.groups())
   # n1, n2 now have the first two numbers of the IP address

Once you have n1, n2, you can check what range the ip is in and act accordingly.


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