[Tutor] Python and NT Authentication

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Thu Aug 7 20:31:39 CEST 2008

"Steven L Smith" <ssmith46 at zimbra.naz.edu> wrote in 

> We have ActiveState Python 2.5 installed on an IIS box running 
> Windows 2003. We're doing it this way because we will most 
> likely be switching to Apache / Unix in the future, and we 
> don't want to have to rewrite all of our server-side scripts. 


> <%import ldap, sys, win32api
> LDAP_SERVER='ldap://nazareth.internal'
> LDAP_USERNAME='myusername at nazareth.internal'
> LDAP_PASSWORD='mypassword'

It looks like you are using Active Scripting for the web pages? 
That probably won't work on Unix/Apache, it might be better 
to use CGI or one of the web frameworks that will be portable 
across web servers as well as across OS.

Nothing to do with your query but an observation...

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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