[Tutor] seeking help to a problem w/ sockets

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Sun Apr 27 13:18:01 CEST 2008

James Duffy wrote:
> I have a problem w/ a file transfer receiver. They way it works is it 
> binds a port for incoming transfer , when the file transfer is complete. 
> It closes the connection and the socket, then loops back and restarts 
> the bind and listen. I have it set so that the socket is reuseable, 
> which is why this works. However, if the program that is using this 
> function is closed while listening, it appears that it does not 
> ”un-bind” because when the program is reopened and a listen attepted to 
> start I get a “port already in use” error. Only a reboot fixes this 
> issue. This code is imported into a main GUI script. We have it set to 
> execute some cleanup functions on exit, I need a function that can dig 
> down to the thread the listener is running in, stop the listen and close 
> the connection and socket. I basically need to get to the close function 
> and then stop the while loop.

The usual way to terminate a thread from another thread is to set a flag 
that the running thread checks periodically. Here is an example:

This discussion may be helpful:


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