[Tutor] Nested dictionary with defaultdict

GTXY20 gtxy20 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 16 03:51:02 CEST 2008

Hi tutors,

I currently have a dictionary like the following:

{'1': ['220', '220', '220''], '2': ['220', '238', '238', '238', '238'], '3':
['220', '238'], '4': ['220', '220'], '5': ['220', '220', '238'], '6':
['238', '238'], '7': ['220']}

I am trying to create a dictionary that would list the current key and a
count of the iterations of values within the value list like so:

{'1': {'220' : 3}, '2': {'220' : 1}, 2: {238 : 4}, '3': {'220' : 1}, 3: {
'238' : 1}, '4': {220 : 2}, '5': {'220: 2}, '5': {238 : 1}, '6': {'238' :
2}, '7': {'220' : 1}}

Now I am pretty sure that I need to loop through the first dictionary and
create a defaultdict from the values for each key in that dictionary but at
this point I am having difficulty coming up with the loop.

I am looking for a satrting point or any suggestions.

Many thanks in advance.

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