[Tutor] SQLite LIKE question

Simone simozack at yahoo.it
Fri Apr 11 11:53:13 CEST 2008

Dinesh B Vadhia ha scritto:

> The second problem is that I'm using the LIKE operator to match a 
> pattern against a string but am getting garbage results.  For example, 
> looking for the characters q='dog' in each string the SELECT statement 
> is as follows:
> for row in con.execute("SELECT <column> FROM <table> WHERE <string> LIKE 
> '%q%' limit 25"):
>     print row
> This doesn't work and I've tried other combinations without luck!  Any 
> thoughts on the correct syntax for the LIKE?

In Python the symbol '%' in a string is a special char: you use it, for 
instance, to place a variable inside a string.

The command you need is something like this:

query = "SELECT <column> FROM <table> WHERE <string> LIKE '%s'" % q
for row in con.execute(query):
    print row

where q is your variable and %s tells Python that the q variable has to 
be converted in a string during the string valorization.

If you want that q contains the symbol '%', you have to escape it by 
inserting 2 '%'.

In your example, q have to be 'dog%%' instead of 'dog%'.

However, as Alan said, the method with the question mark to construct 
the query is more safe than this.

Hope that helps,
Chiacchiera con i tuoi amici in tempo reale! 

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