[Tutor] Google App Engine

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Wed Apr 9 20:28:32 CEST 2008

bob gailer wrote:
> I watched the Campfire videos. Very interesting.
> Big drawback: no support for join queries. Reasons given seemed pretty
> weak.

Because the underlying datastore (BigTable) doesn't support them? I'm 
not sure but I think this is a key to the scalability of the data store.

> How would one migrate an existing app that has hundreds of (in some
> cases) involved joins? The only way I can see is to write a bunch of
> queries and then "join" them in the python code. Seems ugly.

Yes, I think so too. My guess is that if you started from scratch with 
GAE you would structure the data differently. Or maybe GAE just isn't 
suitable for that kind of app.

> Would be nice also to see support for GWT (and pyjamas).

What is the barrier to using pyjamas?


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