[Tutor] How to speed up input/string parsing ...

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Thu Sep 27 12:38:30 CEST 2007

Aditya Lal wrote:

> def rev(n) :
>     m = 0
>     while n > 0 :
>         m = m*10 + n%10
>         n = n/10
>     return m

I would try reversing the numbers as strings. s[::-1] will reverse a 
string s.

> How do I improve the input reading or string parsing ? I know there 
> should be a better way because the best program (at cost of memory) 
> performs > 50% faster than mine. So he must have done something to 
> improve input processing.

The programs that use a lot of memory are using psyco.


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