[Tutor] Adding a GUI

wormwood_3 wormwood_3 at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 16 08:27:59 CEST 2007

I don't think either, I was planning on sticking with wxPython for now, since it is cross-platform, looks way better than Tkinter, and seems to have all the flexibility I would want.

But regardless of what toolkit I use, the question of how best to combine it with pre-existent logic still remains the same:-)


----- Original Message ----
From: Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at gmail.com>
To: wormwood_3 <wormwood_3 at yahoo.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2007 2:21:53 AM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Adding a GUI

On 16/09/2007, wormwood_3 <wormwood_3 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am just starting to learn GUI programming, with wxPython. I have a script that that I have developed to a useful point, and I want to add a GUI to it. I am a little unsure as the the best approach to this. The script heretofore was just run at the command line. Would it make sense to add an option in the same script to have it run in "graphical mode", which would trigger the wxPython code I would add in, and otherwise use the same logic?
> More generally: Anyone have any tips on adding a GUI to a pre-existing script in a way that minimizes repetition of logic? I would rather not make a separate script that only used wxPython, and I do not think I have to, but perhaps there are good reasons to, etc.
> Thanks,
> Sam

Are you interested in Qt or Tinker bindings? Qt are much nicer in
Linux, but Tinker is cross-platform.

Dotan Cohen



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