[Tutor] writing the correct map names

Paul Coones paulcoones at comcast.net
Sat Sep 15 01:51:13 CEST 2007

# Test for maps
						#if faceUV = 0:
						texture_map = "NULL.TIF"
						if me.hasVertexUV():
								print "must be a texture map!"
								texture_map = current_obj.name
								texture_map = texture_map + ".TIF"
						smf_file.write(str(texture_map + '\n'))
						#if not map:
						bump_map = '"null.bump.tif"'
						if me.hasVertexUV():
								print"must be a bump map!"							
								bump_map = current_obj.name
								bump_map = bump_map + "_bump.TIF"
						smf_file.write(str(bump_map + '\n'))

When I do have a mapped object, the script is not putting in the map  
name nor the bump map name.
What am I missing? The python script is for the 3D graphics program  
Blender, which is free.
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