[Tutor] More class questions

Ara Kooser ghashsnaga at gmail.com
Mon Sep 3 19:47:09 CEST 2007

Hello again,

   Thank you again for your help. I have classes somewhat figured out
and I am beginning to understand the syntax involved in using them.
What I have so far is a very simple text adventure with two rooms, two
items, and some exits.

   Two question which relates directly to classes: Do you create all
your instances at the end of the program or just as needed? Can you
call functions from other classes within a class (So I create an
Object class for items and I want then instances to appear in the Room
class as they are called).

   Third question. Using function I understand how to move a player
around in different rooms using raw_input and if statements but how do
you do that with classes. I created a player class and I want one of
the methods to be moving from room to room. Or should movement be a
separate class?

   I am looking at the code that Paul McGuire wrote for using
pyparsing and I don't quite understand how it all works. I have to
book Game Programming: The L line coming in two weeks. I am just
trying to get a head start.

Thank you.


#Text Advenuture - Roguelike
#By Ara Kooser
#Thanks to Chris, e.,Tino and Steven at python tutor

class Player:
    #What makes this a player.

    #def Move(self):

class Area:

    #What makes it an area?
    def __init__(self, name, description):
        #Number of arguements in the _init_ there must be defined
        self.name = name
        self.description = description
        self.contents = []
        self.paths = [None,None,None,None]

    #Methods. What you can do.
    def AddObject(self,thing):

    def AddPaths(self,direction):

    def look(self):
        print "Look around the place you are in"
        print "You are in the",self.name
        print self.description
        print "Your exits are:"
        print self.paths

    def search(self):
        print "You search the area and find..."
        print self.contents

#                                 MAIN
#                            Start of program

first_instance = Area("Outside", "You are standing outside")


second_instance = Area("Inside", "You are standing inside")
second_instance.AddObject("Iron pot")

Quis hic locus, quae regio, quae mundi plaga. Ubi sum. Sub ortu solis
an sub cardine glacialis ursae.

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