[Tutor] Calling a Method with a Reserved Name

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Wed Oct 24 21:32:55 CEST 2007

Alex Ezell wrote:
> On 10/24/07, Kent Johnson <kent37 at tds.net> wrote:
>> Alex Ezell wrote:
>>> I am working on building a SOAP client. Unfortunately, one of the
>>> methods the SOAP server provides is named "import." The SOAP server is
>>> written in PHP.
>>> So, my problem is that Python really doesn't like me using the word
>>> "import" to call the SOAP method. The call should look something like
>>> this:
>>> self.call_response = self.soap.import(self.soap_auth, file_name,
>>> import_groups, soap_flags)
>>> Is there any way to call this method despite it's name being a reserved word.
>> You could try introspection:
>> importFunc = getattr(self.soap, 'import')
>> self.call_response = importFunc(self.soap_auth, file_name,
>> import_groups, soap_flags)
> Thanks Kent. I tried it and it seem like importFunc is now something
> like 'import.__str__'. I could maybe do some string operations to just
> get import out of that, but is there something I could do with
> getattr() for that reference to come back the way I need.

Hmm, with a quick look at the code for SOAPpy (v 0.11.6) I don't see why 
the getattr() method would not work. Can you show the code you tried and 
why you think the result was a string?

BTW pulling 'import' out of the string won't help; you need the import 


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