[Tutor] upgrading Python

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Sun Oct 21 01:08:02 CEST 2007

LandSurveyor wrote:
> If I could be so bold...as to return for a moment to my long since buried question:  What happened to the once pleasant relation between Python & digraphs.  Given that digraphs are a form offered by Vim (not intrinsic to Python[?]), they worked when I was using Python 2.3.  Now, with the upgrade to Python 2.5.1, digraphs do not work.  Googling offers me any number of arcane and generalized theories.  Not a lot of use to me.  I would like to know what will work.

What is a digraph?

Alan asked for an example, did you post one?

I offered help with PEP 263, did you see that?


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