[Tutor] symbol encoding and processing problem

Timmie timmichelsen at gmx-topmail.de
Thu Oct 18 19:22:42 CEST 2007

> Just be aware that this affects portability of your scripts; they will 
> require this same change to run on other systems. For this reason you 
> might want to change the code instead.

> If you give a specific example of what is failing I will try to help.
>From the previous posts I learned that I should save the file as utf-8 encoded
and use unicode where possible. Atleast I hope that I understood this correctly.
By that method my inital posted code worked well.

I still have the problem that the same code works on some machines and others
not when I am unsing IPython. IPython apparently uses its own encoding or the
encoding of the underlying platform.
How can I avoid this problem?

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