[Tutor] upgrading Python

Ricardo Aráoz ricaraoz at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 15:11:09 CEST 2007

bhaaluu wrote:
> Greetings,
> On 10/15/07, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at btinternet.com> wrote:
>> "bhaaluu" <bhaaluu at gmail.com> wrote

> So, you use PCs with MS-Windows, and Mac,... really, when was the
> last time you took a look at GNU/Linux? My suggestion: Look up
> a Linux User Group (LUG) in your local area, and attend their next
> meeting. I'm so sure someone will have a recent install of one of
> the GNU/Linux distros you can look at. I think you'll be surprised.

I'd check Knoppix and/or KUbuntu (that's Ubuntu with KDE). Both are live
CD's so you can check and use the system without compromising your box.
I prefer Knoppix, but it's a personal choice.

>>> easy. Once you become familiar with GNU/Linux, you find it is much
>>> easier than MS-Windows!
>> Sorry, I can't agree. Linux has a lot of rough edges
>> where you still need to open text files and eit them, stop
>> and start services etc That is never going to be easier for
>> the average user than clicking a few boxes in a dalog.

Maybe if you are a 'power user' you might need to do that. Or if there
is an extremely grave fuck up in your machine. Then, is Wds you would
need to call an expert with his special soft tools. But if you are Joe
Average then you don't need to touch that kind of stuff. Besides that,
Joe Average is not interested in starting/stoping services, neither in
Wds nor in Linux. And I guess it is easier doing it in Linux. Anyway you
should make up your own mind checking the aforementioned distros, they
can be downloaded in a few minutes, then you burn a cd and voilà, there
you go.


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