[Tutor] corresponding command in Python to "eval" in Matlab

Eric Brunson brunson at brunson.com
Sun Oct 7 22:15:56 CEST 2007

A good python coder would probably not choose to pollute his name space 
like that.  My choice would be to assign the elements of "data" to a 
dictionary indexed by the strings in varlist like this:

vardict = dict( zip( varlist, data ) )

and reference "var1" as:


Happy Deer wrote:
> Dear all-
> I wonder whether there is a way in Python which can do what "eval" in 
> Matlab  does.
> Say, varlist is a 1 by k tuple/list, which contains strings for 
> variable names.
> For example, varlist=['var1','var2',...'vark']
> data is a n by k matrix.
> I want to assign each column in data to each variable in varlist and 
> get var1=data[:,1]... vark=data[:,k]
> Anyone knows how to do this?
> Fangwen
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