[Tutor] Logging with proper format

wormwood_3 wormwood_3 at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 7 20:54:14 CEST 2007

Hello tutors,

I am adding logging to a program I am writing. I have some messages I want to log that are rather long. The problem I am running into is that when the line is more than the 80 character line recommendation and I split it across 2 lines with "\", the output is affected. 

Example code:

        logger.info("Checked %s records in %s seconds, yielding an average of \
            %s seconds per record." % (len(self.data), duration, avgquery) )

The current output:

2007-10-07 14:49:42,902 - ipinfo - INFO -     Checked 4 records in 0.0698790550232 seconds, yielding an average of             0.0174697637558 seconds per record.

Desired output would be:

2007-10-07 14:49:42,902 - ipinfo - INFO -     Checked 4 records in 0.0698790550232 seconds, yielding an average of 0.0174697637558 seconds per record.

So what is the best way to break long code lines and still preserve desired output?


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