[Tutor] Controlling the number of decimal places "Representation Error"

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Fri Oct 5 18:49:44 CEST 2007

Carnell, James E wrote:
> Question:
> Is it a bad practice to avoid 0.1 representation errors
> (0.100000000000001) by just doing the following?

I'm afraid I don't understand either the problem you are trying to solve 
or your proposed solution. Can you say more about it?


> #NOTE: all the myVariableName stuff is because Outlook keeps changing
> everything I type.
> #I need 2 decimal places (my input number shouldn't be over 255)
> myNum = 1
> myDiv = 3
> #10000/3 = 3333 and I remember that the last 3 digits are decimals the
> very last can have int() problems
> myResult = (myNum * 1000)/myDiv 
> myArray = []
> For I in range( wookie loads ):
>      myArray.append(myResult)     #this thing can get big, but I don't
> need that much precision
>                                   #but I do need to keep it small since
> it might be running on
>                                   #an embedded system
> Sincerely,
> James Carnell
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