[Tutor] another quickie

bhaaluu bhaaluu at gmail.com
Fri Oct 5 03:12:23 CEST 2007

On 10/4/07, max baseman <dos.fool at gmail.com> wrote:
> hello all, im sorry but i might be asking a lot of Tkinter questions
> for a bit.
> im still working on my first GUI, it is very simple all i want it to
> do is open a text file, write to it, than save it. so far i have a
> GUI with the ability to right text (nothing amazing), but i don't
> know how to have it display the text from a text file any help would
> be great

The book, Python Programming 3E by Mark Lutz has over 300 pages
of Tkinter tutorial in it, covering just about anything you'd want to do
with Tkinter. I've seen it "used" on the Internet for a little over $10. It
retails for $60 (Over 1500 pages of pure Python programming). It
is an O'Reilly book, and they have the code examples for the book
on their site at:  http://examples.oreilly.com/python3/
Lutz starts off simple, and gets as complicated as you can stand.
Bite off small pieces, and chew well.

> from Tkinter import *
> top=Tk()
> F=Frame(top)
> F.pack()
> F.txtBox=Text(top)
> F.txtBox.pack()
> F.pack()
> this is all i have so far ^_^"

Lutz develops a full-blown text-editor, using Tkinter, in PP3E.
Happy Programming!
b h a a l u u at g m a i l dot c o m

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