[Tutor] [tutor] creating image from a given data in wxpython

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Mon Oct 1 09:53:30 CEST 2007

"Ian Witham" <witham.ian at gmail.com> wrote

>>     I basically wanna create a bitmap image in python. This will be
>> basically in pixels. X and y coordinates will be specified in the 
>> program
>> and python should create an image by matching the colours.

> I found it to be a very slow way to do things (both in programming 
> and in
> execution speed) and I ended up using the Python Image Library (PIL)
> instead.
> If you don't really need the GUI capabilities of WX for this project 
> then
> PIL is probably a better tool for the job.

Avtually I'd recommend PIL even if you do need the wxPython GUI
capabilities. wxPython will happily display bitmapps created in PIL.

Alan G. 

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