[Tutor] Guest at Foothill College?

Elaine lavendula6654 at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 16 17:17:26 CET 2007

     Would you be able to come talk to beginning
Python students at Foothill College, Middlefield
campus in Palo Alto? The students are working on a
real world project and can really benefit from a guest
from industry who can critique their work and answer
questions about your career. 
      You would not have to prepare anything, just a
10 minute phone conversation with me will bring you up
to speed on their project and enable you to give the
students good feedback when you watch their
presentations. Then, you could just respond to their
questions about Python and your career. The whole
thing shouldn't take more than an hour.

Here are the dates you could choose from:

Wednesdays at Middlefield campus in Palo Alto
21 Nov, 6 pm    design/architecural review
28 Nov, 6 pm     code review
5 Dec, 6 pm       code review
12 Dec, 6 pm     code review

      Let me know as soon as possible if you are
interested, and don't hesitate to ask me for more
details. Thanks so much for considering this!
               -Elaine Haight
                 faculty, CTIS
                 haightElaine at foothill.edu

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