[Tutor] Tkinter Canvas Widget

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Tue Nov 13 09:59:39 CET 2007

"Johnston Jiaa" <oclbdk at gmail.com> wrote

> methods.html>, but do not see how to get the coordinates of the 
> mouse
> on the canvas.

Any mouse event will give you the coordinates within the event data.
Trapping the mouse Movment will ensure you track the current position,

> Also, after I get those coordinates, which methods would be
> appropriate to draw the points onto the canvas itself?

There are lots of drawing methods depending on what kind of
thing you want to draw. You can draw lines, arcs, ovals,
rectangles etc. If you just want to draw a single point then you
can use a very short line or very small filled rectangle or circle.

If you can show us some sample code where you are having
problems we can be of more help.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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