[Tutor] Web GUI for a network management tool

Thanos Panousis pthanos at gmail.com
Mon May 14 16:29:38 CEST 2007

I know jfreechart is java only. It looks quite capable but the
colleagues here say its not the easiest tool to use.

I was about to start with a JSP solution for my web interface. But a
short tutorial convinced me that writing this thing in java/jsp is
simply crazy!!!! My god, coming from everyday python development it
just shocked me to see how much code these guys are actually
writing.... Just to do the most obvious of tasks.

I am now seriously considering a matplotlib/python web framework
solution. I think that the single advantage of rapid development will
be so overwhelming compared to the J2EE monstrosities that it will
compensate for any other dissadvantages. I just hope that matplotlib
plays well with the web, and that I can integrate it to play with an
MVC architecture that is employed by turbogears for example.

On 5/11/07, Kent Johnson <kent37 at tds.net> wrote:
> Thanos Panousis wrote:
> > I 'm going to need some hardcore graphing functionalities. And for
> > that reason alone, I think jfreechart is the only thing that provides
> > free and decent solution, also designed with the web in mind.
> jfreechart is a Java library so it will not integrate easily into a
> Python web framework.
> Did you look at matplotlib? It is a very capable graphing library. You
> can see examples of its output here:
> http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/screenshots.html
> > So everybody seems to prefer some framework even for not complicated
> > (business) logic. I 'll try to go for something lightweight.
> web.py is pretty light, I think:
> http://webpy.org/
> Kent

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