[Tutor] Truncating a Table

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Fri May 11 17:43:27 CEST 2007

Leon Keylin wrote:
> Why would this not work?
> import pymssql
> con = pymssql.connect(host='server
> name',user='username',password='pwd',database='Database')
> cur = con.cursor()
> query="TRUNCATE TABLE Consolidatedmsgs;"
> cur.execute(query)
> print "Table Truncated: %d rows deleted" % cur.rowcount
> -----------
> The return I get is that the program runs through but it doesn't actually
> truncate the table.
> The user that runs this has all the rights (read, write, truncate, etc...)
> Any ideas? And yes, I am using a pymssql extension module.

A couple of things, neither of which really answers
your question. I wouldn't expect to get a cur.rowcount
back from a TRUNCATE operation. And you don't need the
semicolon at the end of the line. However, neither of
those should prevent the truncation from occurring.

Do you get an error? Or does the table still have rows
in when you look? You can't, for example, truncate a
table with active foreign keys. Does this same command
work in Query Analyzer?


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