[Tutor] Web GUI for a network management tool

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Thu May 10 16:53:57 CEST 2007

Thanos Panousis wrote:
> Hello list,
> I have been developing a network managemetn app for quite some time
> now. The list has provided me with valuable information.
> The time has come to write some kind of gui for it, so that graphs,
> visualizations and configuration options are exposed to non
> developers. Do you think that a web app frame work like turbogears is
> appropriate in my case?

It's not clear to me from your description that you want a web app. Does 
the management app run on a server or is it something that individual 
users run on their own machines?

If the app runs on a server then a web framework can be very helpful. I 
like Django a lot but there are many other choices.

If users run the app on their individual computers then you should look 
at one of the GUI toolkits like Tkinter or wxPython.

> Have you ever done anything like that, and how did you go about doing
> it? Would web frameworks (turbogears, Ruby on rails, Java frameworks)
> be any use to me in something like my case or I should just roll my
> own?

I have used Django and matplotlib to create charts and display them in a 
web page. There is a simple example here:

Both Tkinter and wxPython are supported by matplotlib directly.


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