[Tutor] canvas -> CLASSES

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Wed May 9 22:08:18 CEST 2007

"Teresa Stanton" <tms43 at clearwire.net> wrote
> CLASSES: This is where I start getting confused.

No kidding! :-)

> put it into a class, and for some reason it all starts to get 
> jumbled here,
> which it shouldn't because I write in C++.

C++ OOP and Python are significantly different and some of
those differences may be at work here.

> Since I've put it in a class, my design is off because I don't know 
> how to
> 'call' it, among other issues.

You need an instance which you don;t have currently.

> Do the point definitions of the walls, boxes and T's get
> put inside the function?

Probably not, probably etter to puut them in a list - as you do - and
pass the list into the method.

> Right now the function calls itself and I don't think its the best
> way to do it,

Nor do I, but I'mnot clear exactly what you are doing since
the data is all hard coded inside the function so it looks to me
like you will you will get into a loop...

Some snippets and comments follow:

> class Maze(object):
>    def __init__(self):
>        #initial position of .gif
>        self.xp = 100
>        self.yp = 600

You don't seem to use selfd.xp/yp anywhere...
In fact since you don't initialize any objects this never even
gets called!

>    def createWall((x0, y0), (x1, y1), colour = 'blue', width = 3):
>        """ Create a wall from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1). """
>        canvasOne.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, width = width, fill = 
> colour)

You don't have a self parameter in the method. Recall that
self is equivalent to this in C++ but needs to be explicitly
declared in Python methods.

Also you are declaring parameters to be tuples which I don't
think you can do. You need to name the tuples, something like:

def createWall(self, pt1,pt2, canvas = None, colour='blue', width=3)

Also you use the canvasOne global value here which would
be better passed in as am parameter as shown above.

>    outerWall = [(450, 640), (475, 640), (475, 640),
>    walls = [outerWall]

Not sure why the second line is there.
The first is static data which means the method never changes
what it does. You never use the x0,y0, params passed in after
the create line above...

>       for wall in walls:
>            for i in range(len(wall)-1):
>                createWall(outerWall[i], outerWall[i+1])

For each entry draw a kine then come back into this loop
using the same data so we very quickly hit the Python
recursion limit I suspect.

>         topLeftBox = [(130, 105), (130, 125), ...
>         secondTopLeftBox = [(160, 215), (160, 225), ...
> ...
>        boxes = [topLeftBox, secondTopLeftBox, topRightBox, 
> secondTopRightBox]
>        for box in boxes:
>            for i in range(len(box)-1):
>                createWall(topLeftBox[i], topLeftBox[i+1]),
>                createWall(secondTopLeftBox[i], 
> secondTopLeftBox[i+1]),

Sorry, I have no idea how this is supposed to work. I just got
confused about the mix of topLefts and box versus boxes etc.

But remember that each call to createWall only uses the arguments
to draw a single line, then the rest uses the same data over again.

Also to acces createWall you should really be using self.createWall
since createWall is a method of your Maze class.

>        x = 40
>        for i in range(9):
>            x += 20
>            canvasOne.create_rectangle(x, 610, x+5, 615, fill = 
> 'white')
>        #left path built north to south
>        y = 290
>        for i in range(15):
>            y += 20
>            canvasOne.create_rectangle(220, y, 225, y+5, fill = 
> 'white')

All these bits could be put into a function with the values as
parameters, something like::

def buildPath(val1,val2, number, increment, deltax,deltay,orientation, 
     for i in range(number):
          val1 += increment
          if orientation = 0: x,y = val1,val2
          else: x,y = val2,val1

>    root = Tk()
>   root.title("Background")
>    canvasOne = Canvas(width = 800, height = 700, bg = 'black')
>    createWall(450, 640, 475, 640)
>    canvasOne.pack()
>    root.mainloop()

Here yuou call createWall which is a method of Maze but you
don't instantiate Maze. I'd expect so9mething like:

maze = Maze(x,y)

But there's a lot of logic missing between there ared here.
Alsoi if thats all you are doing there is no point of having
a maze class, just write a createWall function. You need
to figure out what a Maze object is for. What are its
responsibilities in the program? What data does it manage?
What actions do you want it top perform?

Unfortunately from your code I can't work out what you were
expecting of your Maze instances.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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