[Tutor] Text matching

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Thu May 3 15:39:17 CEST 2007

Gardner, Dean wrote:
> Here is a test sample of what I have: This currently correctly
> identifies the start and the end of the changelog entries and I can
> identify the requested item records. What I am struggling with at
> present is to how to create records of the full changelog entries for
> each of the found items.
> Again any help greatly appreciated.
> uid = "000028.txt"
> file = open("C:\projects\SuiteSpecification\Notes\ChangeLog.txt")
> output = file.readlines()
> changeLogList = []
> itemList = []
> for strOut in output:
>     if "----" in strOut:
>         changeLogStart = 1
>     itemList.append(strOut)       
>     if "Reviewed:" in strOut:
>         changeLogStart=0
> for item in itemList:
>     if uid in item:
>         print item

I usually solve problems like this by pulling multiple lines from the 
file within the loop. Something like this:
f = open('...ChangeLog.txt')
   while True:
     line = f.next()
     if line.startswith('----'):
       line1 = line
       line2 = f.next()
       line3 = f.next()
       line4 = f.next()
       # Do something to process the lines
     line = f.next()
except StopIteration:

The basic idea is that you can collect multiple lines by calling 
f.next() explicitly inside the loop.


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