[Tutor] My Python project - an update

Dave S pythontut at pusspaws.net
Fri Mar 23 23:31:26 CET 2007

Just to say thank you.

Over the last few months I have been asking a lot of dumb questions about 
python (and qt on the qt mailing list) ... anyhow I finished my pet project, 
all 5500 lines of it. I previously explained what it was but to recap ...

I developed a QT Python app that scans both configuration and data collected 
from remote security systems, up to 80,000 data attributes per site.

After scanning it reports any inconsistencies or errors via a GUI giving them 
a severity level and an option to correct the error or acknowledge and enter 
override text.

It generates a certificate PDF with an embedded md5 authentication string when 
the site has been audited.
From its analysis of the data it also generates both a detailed user 
reference PDF and a detailed engineer reference PDF specifically for the 

In my field this has never been done before - lots of very impressed people 
after several demonstrations. I released it under the GPL but apparently my 
terms of employment state that it belongs my employer ... who does not want 
it on sourceforge ...

Where is it now ... its being integrated into a proprietary application as a 
groundbreaking audit/commissioning  function (still running my Python code as 
a back end) and apparently I am due some kind of company reward ...

My thoughts on my first Python QT project ... would have been nice if I could 
have given it to the community ... wonder what they will pay me ? ...


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