[Tutor] "from X import Y" vs "import X"

emilia12 at mail.bg emilia12 at mail.bg
Wed Mar 21 12:24:02 CET 2007

Hi list,

In Python books one can read that "from X import Y" is
better than "import X", but some times (IMO) it is not.

for eg. in SciPy,

from numpy import matrix
from scipy.linalg import inv, det, eig
print det(A)

crashes with :
RuntimeError: module compiled against version 1000002 of
C-API but this version of numpy is 1000009
RuntimeError: module compiled against version 1000002 of
C-API but this version of numpy is 1000009

BUT next code works fine:

from numpy import matrix
import numpy
print numpy.linalg.det(A)

no crashes at all!

i am using: Python 2.4.4 (#71, Oct 18 2006, 08:34:43) [MSC
v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
and the last version of SciPy ...

my actual question is "is this a rare case related to the
scipy distribution, or something general in python"



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