[Tutor] httpd in your laptop?!? serve web pages and wikis in your notebook?

R. Alan Monroe amonroe at columbus.rr.com
Sun Mar 4 01:14:34 CET 2007

> "Luke Paireepinart" <rabidpoobear at gmail.com> wrote
>>> forth ... while very good for small programs
>>> to imbed into controller cpu's to bury inside some machine,

> It's a relatively little known fact that Sun use Forth as the
> monitor/bootloader  in their servers. When you do a shutdown
> on a Sun box it takes you into a Forth interpreter!

>>> different that rank beginners learn it faster than experienced 
>>> hands
>>> do. it's just so damn odd.

> Yep, it's one of the few languages that I just gave up on,
> the pain wasn't worth the gain. I wound up moving to Tcl;
> and Tcl isn't exactly mainstream! But it was a lot more
> conventional than Forth. The only language I've used that
> was equally different was Prolog.

Postscript borrows heavily from Forth, I think.


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