[Tutor] Yet another list comprehension question

Andrei project5 at redrival.net
Fri Mar 2 18:18:36 CET 2007

> "Smith, Jeff" <jsmith <at> medplus.com> wrote
> > In other words, applying somefun to the results of the iterator 
> > return
> > duplicates but I want the constructed list to contain none.
> > l = [somefun(i) for i some-iterator if somefun(i) not in l]
> >
> > doesn't work (not that I expected it to).
> Why not use a Set?
> s = Set([somefun(i) for i in some-iterator])

Alternatively, you could put the results as keys in a dictionary, then request
mydict.keys() to get a list of unique outcomes.



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