[Tutor] Bundle help!

Reed O'Brien reed at reedobrien.com
Tue Jun 26 05:54:05 CEST 2007

On Jun 25, 2007, at 9:56 PM, Sara Johnson wrote:

> I'm to use the bundle method to append some information to a list.   
> I have no idea how to do that!  I have Python for Dummies and I  
> think I need Python for Complete Idiots because I am not seeing how  
> to do this!!  I have basic C+ knowledge and about 6 programs to  
> write (in one month's time!) and I know NOTHING!!  HELP!!!
> Sara
> 8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time
> with theYahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.
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But if it is as simple as just adding to a list:
In [2]: L = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

In [3]: L.append(['a','b', 'c'])

In [4]: L.append(7)

In [5]: L
Out[5]: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ['a', 'b', 'c'], 7]

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