[Tutor] Questions about easygui and compiling

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Fri Jun 8 09:23:21 CEST 2007

"Rafael Bejarano" <bejarar at sbcglobal.net> wrote

> First, I am trying to learn to use easygui to present simple dialogs
> and get input from the user. To this end, I wrote a very short test
> program, just to make sure I new how to use easygui. Although I get
> no error messages when I run it, the dialog boxes do not appear.
> ...
> using python launcher to run the program.

Don;t do that until you are sure the program works.
Instead open a Terminal window and run your program
from the command line by typing

python myprog.py

That way you will be able to see any errors or warnings
more easily.

> I would be only too happy  to send a copy of the program
> as an attachment or pasted in the body

If its just a short program then thats probably a good idea.
Although I personal;ly don't know much about EasyGUI
there are some on the list who use it.

> Second, how does one compile python programs?

Python modules are compiled into byte code when you import
them. If  a compiled version exists then it is loaded instead
which slightly improves load time. But Python is an interpreted
language like Perl or Applescript and is not compiled in the
same way as C++ or Objective C. In practice this makes
little difference since in most cases the bulk of the time is
spent executing functions that are written inn C (and thus
compiled) and on a Mac you can use the python launcher
to build application bundles for convenient distribution.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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