[Tutor] using re

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Mon Jun 4 12:10:50 CEST 2007

johnf wrote:
> I have the following
> pattern='^([0-9]{0,%s})(\.[0-9]{0,%s})?$' % (self.IntegerWidth, 
> self.DecimalWidth)

You should use a raw string (prefix with r) to define pattern, though 
that isn't the problem here.

> )
> 	if re.match(pattern, self.GetValue())==None:
> 	    self.BackColor == "pink"
> 	else:
> 	    self.BackColor == "white"
> self.IntegerWidth = 2
> self.DecimalWidth=2
> the problem is the pattern allows ".999".  What am I doing wrong?

Are you sure? That's not what I get:

In [3]: pattern='^([0-9]{0,%s})(\.[0-9]{0,%s})?$' % (2, 2)
In [5]: import re
In [9]: print re.match(pattern, '.99')
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x1280218>
In [10]: print re.match(pattern, '.999')


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