[Tutor] PyCrust IDE/Shell

ALAN GAULD alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sat Jun 2 10:03:32 CEST 2007

> I agree that pycrust is faster in terms of autocomplete. However, 
> I love being able to to just hit f5 to run my code in the shell while 
> in the Python IDLE environment. I wonder if this is possible with pycrust . . .

Not PyCrust itself because it is just a shell.
But PyA LaMode is the equivalent of IDLE with multi file editing 
as well as the PyCrust shell. And it should have an equivalent to F5.

> The most interesting to me is pywrap: "PyWrap is a runtime utility that 
> lets you run an existing wxPython
program with a PyCrust frame 

Yes, the wxPython book gives an example of how to do that as well 
as discussing each of the Py components.

Alan G

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