[Tutor] Livewires questions

Luke Paireepinart rabidpoobear at gmail.com
Sun Jul 29 02:54:23 CEST 2007

Luke Paireepinart wrote:
>     I ran the code that you had included, thank you for this.  It did
>     produce the player and the robot on the grid, but the keyboard
>     commands
>     did not work.  I wasn't entire sure why, but I thought I would let
>     you know.
> Sure, sure.  I'm glad it at least ran.  I don't have livewires 
> installed so I wasn't able to test any of the code I wrote.
>     Thanks again for your help.  If you have suggestions on the 't' key,
>     please share them.  This seems to be the one issue preventing me from
>     going forward.
> I need to go to sleep right now, but tomorrow afternoon I should have 
> some free time and if so, I'll install livewires and give you more 
> suggestions.
>     Tonu
Actually, I may not have time for this after all.  I'm in the final 
throes of a Differential Equations class (it's really accelerated to fit 
all in one month) and even on weekends I have to study for it.  Luckily 
it's done in 9 class days (we do class 12-1:40 M-F, so that puts the 
Final on Thursday) so I will gladly offer any help you need after that time.
But until then, I'm not sure when I'll be able to do anything.
P.S. I forgot to hit reply-all on the previous e-mail, which is why I 
left it intact.

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