[Tutor] odd bug

christopher.henk at gm.com christopher.henk at gm.com
Fri Jul 20 15:37:53 CEST 2007

try adding:
print "current block:", one_char_box
print "zeros: ", zero_count 

to the lines just below your if statement that you think is called only 
once.  This way you know how many times its called and you might be able 
to find the error.

Chris Henk
Allison Transmission
phone:  317.242.2569
fax:  317.242.3469
e-mail:  christopher.henk at gm.com

"elis aeris" <hunter92383 at gmail.com> 
Sent by: tutor-bounces at python.org
07/20/2007 02:36 AM

"Luke Paireepinart" <rabidpoobear at gmail.com>
python tutor <tutor at python.org>
[Tutor] odd bug

I ran the code attached at the end of the email, it' supposed to out put a 
string of characters,

yet I got only this 

definition check:


now, it's proper output, however, this part got run only once, when it's 
supposed to run multiple times to produce more portions like the one 
above, i don't know why this part got run only once: 

when that happens
   if box_v == 0:
       zero_count = zero_count + 1
       if zero_count == 2:
           zero_count = 0
           if one_char_box in
               print one_char_box
               box_string = box_string +
               print "definition check:"
               print box_string


for b in range(1,50,1): 

   ## Next point to check
   x = radar_loc_window_xx + b
   y = radar_loc_window_yy

   ## omit 0 when there are 2 zeros, and check def
when that happens
   if box_v == 0:
       zero_count = zero_count + 1 
       if zero_count == 2:
           zero_count = 0
           if one_char_box in
               print one_char_box
               box_string = box_string +
               print "definition check:"
               print box_string

       one_char_box = one_char_box + str(box_v) + "."
   box_v = 0
   for a in range(0,10,1):
       r, g, b = pixels[1030*(y-a) + x]
       if g > r and g > b:
           box_v = box_v + 1
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org

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