[Tutor] how do I input " as part of a string?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sat Jul 14 00:00:00 CEST 2007

"elis aeris" <hunter92383 at gmail.com> wrote 

> how do I input " as part of a string?
> f.write("my "car" has been a great one for me")
> I am trying to write the above lines into a file, including 
> the " as part of a the single string

As you say in the subject the qurstion is how to get a 
quote into a string. The fact you are writing to a file is 
irrelevant so lets get that out of the way and look at 
how you print a string with a quote in it.

I actually mention one approach in the Simple Sequences 
topic of my tutorial - the very first hands on topic. You might 
find it helpful to read that through.

But basically you can include one kind of quote inside 
another, like this:

>>> s = 'This has a " inside'
>>> s2 = "But this has a ' in it"
>>> s3 = '''And this has both " and ' characters'''
>>> s4 = """and so does this: ' ", see?"""
And I can print all of them:

>>> for x in s,s2,s3,s4: print x

Another way to include a quote is to "escape" it, that is 
precede it with a \ character, like this:

>>> s5 = "This has \" in it despite having \" as its quote sign"


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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