[Tutor] optimization: faster than for

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Sun Jul 1 06:28:39 CEST 2007

elis aeris wrote:
> my question, is there any other way to make it run faster,
> as described in the webpage, it's possible to use map()  but I don't 
> know how to do it with this one, 2 dimensional arrays.

How about
number_scanned = 1024 * 768 ?

But seriously, the example you gave doesn't do any real work, it is just 
contrasting two methods of looping.

If this is a continuation of the 200 dollar questions thread, Luke has 
given you some good ideas but you don't seem to like them.

In both cases, you are asking for optimizations of artificial problems. 
There is no point in even asking that question. You have to optimize the 
code that actually solves the problem you care about.


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