[Tutor] metaclass question

Andreas Kostyrka andreas at kostyrka.org
Tue Jan 23 00:11:49 CET 2007

Technically, you don't need metaclasses probably:

class A(object):
    def methA(self, abc):
    def methB(self, def, ghi):
    def defaultMethod(self):
        raise UnknownMethodError()
    def __init__(self, methodName):
        self._calc = getattr(self, "meth%s" % methodName, self.defaultMethod)
    def calcResult(self, *args, **kw):
        return self._calc(*args, **kw)


b.calcResult(234, 345)
a.calcResult(1,2) => TypeError
b.calcResult(1) => TypeError

metaclasses in Python are a way to get control of the class creation
process. E.g. it's quite useful if you need to do some changes to some
classes, no matter what.

(E.g. I've implemented a class where methods can be synchronized (by
using a lock) with a metaclass => the meta class makes sure that all
methods get wrapped with a function that acquires and releases the
needed locks.)


* Kim Branson <kim.branson at gmail.com> [070122 23:51]:
> Hi i'm interested in implementing a factoryclass in python
> What i'd like to do is have my factoryClass produce an instance of a  
> class with some methods defined in arguments to the factory class.
> The classes that are produced have many common methods, but a single  
> unique method. This method actually is a series of calls to a c++ api.
> Depending on what we are doing with the produced class, i'd like the  
> unique method to call api function A, or api function B etc.   
> Alternatively the unique method might call A and the B and return a  
> dict of the results.
> I'm doing this because i'd like all my produced class instances to  
> simply have  a calculateResults method which will then go and do the  
> right thing.  I don't want to set some values in the init, like A==  
> True  and have a if A: call methodA etc statement.
> I'm not sure if a factory class is the best way to solve this  
> problem, but i can see future cases where the unique function will  
> need to do many things with intermediate results before returning the  
> results dict.   i think a factory class might be the best way of  
> ensuring an extensible design.
> So whats the best way to do this. I have found many references to  
> creating a class with __metaclass__ = SomeMetaClass,  but i don't see  
> how one can pass arguments to the meta class.
> An alternative might be to have a class that operates on an existing  
> instance and adds the correct method, but this seems slightly clunky,  
> and is probably not the python way
> Cheers
> Kim
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