[Tutor] python web dev

Christopher Arndt chris.arndt at web.de
Thu Jan 4 18:19:35 CET 2007

OkaMthembo schrieb:
> this is my first post. please could you tell me which is the best
> lightweight python web framework?

"Web framework" and "lightweight" don't really go well together. There are so
many things about web programming that you don't realise you need when you
start, but *will* come across eventually that a framework that addresses all
these, will not be lightweight any more.

If you are referring to the learning curve, Django is probably better suited
then TurboGears. If you have strong opinions about how certain things should be
solved, I'd go with TurboGears, because it's parts are not so tightly coupled
as Django's and can be replaced more easily.

The usual advice is: go through the tutorials that are available on the
homepages of both projects and then decide for your self. If the tutorials seem
to confusing, do a general (advanced) Python tutorial first.

I can't say much about other Python web frameworks, unfortunately.

> i absolutely love python syntax, but web dev in python is murky water.
> it seems unneccesarily hard, even compared to php and asp.net
> <http://asp.net>

Web development requires that you know about a lot of things. PHP just leaves
you to discover most of these (and build solutions for them) on your own. Which
is why so many PHP programs are crap ;-)


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