[Tutor] how to compare elements of 2 lists

sith . sith618 at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 25 16:52:07 CET 2007

sith . wrote:
> Hi,
> I've read the posts on comparing 2 lists and couldn't find the answer to
> my question.
> I have 2 lists
> a = [4,3,2,6,7,9]
> b = [8,6,3,3,2,7]
> How can I determine if the elements in a are larger or smaller than the
> elements in b.
> for i in a:
>     for u in b:
>         i > u
> does not return the result I seek.
> In this example, 4 from a is compared to 8,6,3,3,2,7 then 3 from a is
> compared to all the elements in b.
> I'd like
> 4 to 8,
> 3 to 6,
> 2 to 3 and so on; like 2 columns in excel, the third column would be a
> new list of boolean values.
> Can someone help please?  Thank you.
  all(all(i>j for j in b) for i in a)
Thanks for your reply.  This is what I get:
  >>> a = [4,3,2,6,7,9]
  >>> b = [8,6,3,3,2,7]
  >>> all(all(i>j for j in b) for i in a)
>>> all(all(i>j for j in b) for i in a)
  How do I make it loop through the whole list?

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