[Tutor] constants, flags or whatever

Steve Willoughby steve at alchemy.com
Thu Dec 20 05:44:47 CET 2007

Dave Kuhlman wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 19, 2007 at 09:41:13PM -0500, bob gailer wrote:
>> 1 - I see no value in introducing variables. I'd just use string constants:
>> action = "moving"
>> .
>> .
>> if action == "jumping":
>> etc.
> I agree.  But, some people do prefer something that looks a bit
> like an enum.  If so, here is a Python idiom for enums:

One big advantage to using variables over string constants is that
there is a big danger of misspelling one of the constants and not
noticing the error.

action = "moving"
if action == "moveing":
   # oops, this never gets executed

if you had used variables, Python would catch the error as an
attempt to use an undefined variable:

action = MOVING
if action == MOVEING:  <-- error caught by python

> Mode_none, Mode_moving, Mode_inserting, Mode_jumping = range(4)
> action = Mode_moving
> if action == Mode_jumping:
>     o
>     o
>     o
> - Dave

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