[Tutor] user-given variable names for objects

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Thu Dec 13 22:24:34 CET 2007

Tiger12506 wrote:
> I may sound like a know-it-all, but dictionaries *are* iterators.

Mmm, to nit-pick a little, dictionaries are iterables, not iterators. 
They don't have a next() method.

> [a for a in eventData if eventData[a] < time.time()]
> This is more efficient. The keys method creates a list in memory first and 
> then it iterates over it.

I've never tested it but I suspect that when you need keys and values, 
it is more efficient to use itervalues():

[ k for k, v in eventData.itervalues() if v < time.time() ]

and of course if you care about efficiency you should hoist the call to 
time.time() out of the loop!


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