[Tutor] thread not running

Ben Bartrum bba at inbox.com
Mon Dec 10 15:56:38 CET 2007

> What's going wrong when running it with 2.4? AfaIcs, all modules are
> in 2.4, so it my not have to do anything with the Python version, but
> with the underlying system. Any traceback? Perhaps replace the
> subprocess part with just a print statement to see what's happening?

There are no tracebacks, and I have done some more investigation:
1. the thread code works fine standalone on both systems
2. the thread code works within CherryPy on my home PC but does not work within CherryPy on the live host
3. Both run the same version of CherryPy - I could not imagine it is a CherryPy issue, but unless you have any suggestion I'll try the CherryPy list

The live code runs under supervisor.  Could that make a difference?


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