[Tutor] info, help, guidence,...

jeff witt hopebassist at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 5 16:30:09 CET 2007

i have some questions about programming in general and python,.. 
my brother (who is a programmer) guides me to ".net" languages,  and i am not too sure why, however, he is getting sick of me pestering him with my questions,..
i like the little i know about python, it seems to be user friendly, however,  i am not finding clear answers about what it does compared to ".net" for example. 
 I really know nothing about programming (which i am sure is obvious) so ANY info would be helpful, ... 

here are a few questions that go through my head...
 how does python get applied to a GUI?  why dont universities teach it? is there an online class i can take for it?  training certificates?   is it accepted in the world of programming professionally?  ( i am interested in a career too, as well as a new hobby),.
  i use linux, and python seems to be everywhere for linux,.. and i read that it works on windows too but is it accepted in "those" circles?  
what is pythons strengths and weaknesses, IE. web/Internet, or program development, operating system things,...   what would you (or you guys) recomend for the first language?  or like my brother says, "just learn something and stop asking me questions"
if python was released in 1991 how long will it remain a current or a applicable language? or i guess i am asking, what is the normal life of a programming language before it is obsolete?

well, like i mentioned, any help or info would be greatly appreciated,   i have been to some of the beginner sites and tried the whole "hello world" thing, and i unfortunately realize i am years from actually contributing to any open source project,  (especially since i am still struggling with the file system in linux [only been using it for 8or9 months])

God bless you  guys, and thank you for your site and willingness to share and help!


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