[Tutor] open multiple files

Tiger12506 keridee at jayco.net
Thu Aug 16 02:08:20 CEST 2007

> Hi everyone -
>  I'm beginning to learn how to program in python. I need to process 
> several text files simultaneously. The program needs to open several files 
> (like a corpus) and output the total number of words. I can do that with 
> just one file but not the whole directory. I tried glob but it didn't 
> work. Your ideas are greatly appreciated. Thanks,
>  Paulo

What do you have so far? I don't just want to give you an answer. You say 
that glob didn't work... Probably because you are not realizing that glob 
returns a list of filenames, and you can't open a whole list at a time. 
You'll have to use a loop or something similar.

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